California Communications Association

Upcoming Seminars:


Two-Day Locator Training

Presented by:  “Staking University”

Date:  June 19-20, 2019
Location:  Ponderosa Telephone Service Center
Cost:  $400/per person
Register: To register for this training contact Tim Jones, Ponderosa Telephone (559) 868-6362 or email:
Course description here

Past Seminars:

Foundations of Telecommunications Training

Pole Climbing & Ladder Safety Certification Course

Pole Climbing Re-Certification Course

Copper Fault Locating & Maintenance (3 course dates)

O-Calc Pro – Pole Loading Software Training

CALEA, CPNI, ECPA and Confidential Subscriber Information-Recent Developments

Lead Acid Battery Fundamentals, Operations and Maintenance Certification Course

Telecom 101 – A 2015 Perspective

Workplace Violence