Award Nomination Forms
Please help get the HR/Safety Committee Awards listed below to the right person to be sure your entry is received by the deadline date(s) below.
♦ 2020 Safety Awards – (due: Sept. 3, 2021)
The CalCom HR/Safety Committee has created this program to help you recognize departments and individual employees within your company. There are two company awards: “Fleet Safety and Occupational Safety” and two individual awards: “Driver-of-the-Year and Safety Leadership”. Winners will be recognized at the CalCom Annual Conference Awards Ceremony. Winning companies will receive plaques and a $500 cash award and the two individual winners will each receive a $1000 cash award and a plaque. Download the Safety Awards forms here.
♦ Community Spirit Award – 2020 (due: Sept. 3, 2021)
Independent Telephone companies have a history of community involvement and a long-standing commitment to the betterment of the communities we serve. This award recognizes an employee’s contribution to their community and promotes awareness that the Telephone Company, its employees, and our communities are one. Download the nomination form for the 2020 Community Spirit Award here.
Some examples of contributions or involvement are:
- Assisting Veterans and their families
- Organizing fundraisers to support local food banks, parks, libraries, and schools
- Promoting literacy, scholarships, grant writing, school board membership
- Donating legal, professional services or equipment to benefit the community
- Involved with Scouting, Search & Rescue, Historical societies
- Holding leadership positions in service groups and local government offices
- Coaching children’s sports teams
- Homeless shelter, hospital Volunteer, SPCA
♦ Industry Leadership Award – 2020 (due: Sept. 3, 2021)
To nominate someone for this award, the person must meet the following eligibility:
- Must be a member company or associate member of CalCom
- Living or Deceased
- Have a history of leadership in the Telecommunications Industry
- Have outstanding contributions, local, state, and national
Download the nomination form here.